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Red double layer flirt

Sometimes just one fan is needed!

This flirt size double layer is on 11 8″ staves and a flair stave on the inside. These accent staves are something I’m playing with. They provide more surface area for rhinestoning and help protect feathers if you prefer to hold your staves away from the base or attach to your costuming. Plumes are Ferrari red from Fancy Feather.

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Peach Conversion

Just a simple conversion with some really great feathers for Carson St. Clair. Her double layer on the 8″ staves condensed things a bit for a dense, lush set in this light color. Plushiest peach!

Converting to my aluminum staves still gets you lighter fans, slimmer grip, easier open/close, less damage to your feathers and potentially larger size. Consider a conversion to refresh your fan, when adding more feathers or switching to a specialty design.