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Gold on gold

Done for Jezebelle Red

With feathers being a natural product, sometimes you have to listen to what they want to do. Originally planning for the 8″ flirt staves, these quills on these plumes were just too bulky. So I moved them up to the 12″ standard just mounting the top feather one position lower. This kept all the fluff, closer to the intended flirt size, but helps the fan open/close a bit more smoothly. The staves are gold bar and plumes are vintage gold from @fancyfeathercom.

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Upgrade from bamboo

Really glad I got to help Miss Mina Murray with this lovely upgrade!

She had a set on bamboo for many, many years. They were a lovely row of single long plumes that were worth saving. As ostrich feathers age, they tend to get softer and silkier in their texture and movement. We moved them over to the top row of a set with 13 12″ staves and added a fresh lower plume in white from Fancy Feather.

The new set is a touch heavier, but much more durable for the long performance life ahead for this upgrade!

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Cherry ombre

You have to see these in person to really appreciate their color and complexity. I brought them to Las Vegas and they stole @its.cherry.babyyyy’s heart.

The set features 14 12″ staves in flag red, top row and half inside row of premium wide 25″ plumes ombre dyed (from lower bright red to dark red tops) and shorter bright red front row. These were expertly picked and dyed at #RainbowFeathers.

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White with silver

These fluffy clouds with silver staves soared all the way to Belgium landing with Colette Collerette.

Two sets of an upgraded Standard 3 ( with each fan featuring 14 12″ staves in Bengal Silver with double row of 18-24″ wide plumes in bleached white (brighter than natural white) from The Feather Place. Both arrived safe packed nicely in a large case!

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Goth butterfly

This set of goth butterfly wings (as I nicknamed them) are ready to flutter on out! The gunmetal dye is complex with some strong lavender undertones. I’ve been wanting to do this color combination for a while!

This is built on the specs of PACKAGE 4 on

Each fan features 12 12″ staves in satin black, 12 front layer drabs sized 16-19″ in black and 24 plumes sized 18-24″ with the top row gunmetal and the inside row lilac from Fancy Feather

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Silver conversion

The first set to ship in 2022 is this conversion for Angelica Lavalier which couldn’t be a more fitting start to the new year!

If you have feather fans on staves that have broken, hinder your performance or need a refresh, consider a conversion. Breaking up with acrylic can be the right step to take to salvage your beautiful feathers and advance your capabilities.

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Each fan for this set featured 12 12″ staves in galaxy purple with a front drab, 12 25″ and 8 18-24″ plumes in violet from @fancyfeathercom. It’s like a smidge less than a full triple, but really nice density!

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Fuchsia fluffy

An upgraded Standard 3, this set features 13 12″ staves and a flair accent stave in Gold Bar and double fuchsia plumes from @fancyfeathercom. The accent stave is encrusted by @boldburlesquepasties (light rose, light rose AB, Indian pink, rose peach crystal, light pink AB, and hot pink rhinestones, pink AB flatback faux pearls, pink paradigm teardrop claw set crystals and killer pink teardrop claw set crystals, and vintage, salvaged earrings and brooches).

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Beautiful Beige

An upgraded Standard 8, this set features 13 12″ staves and a flair accent stave is Misty Burgundy and triple beige plumes from @fancyfeathercom. The accent stave is encrusted by @boldburlesquepasties (metallic gold, crystal AB, crystal, and metallic silver rhinestones, gold and white AB flatback faux pearls, and antique, repurposed floral earrings and brooches).

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Sassy Conversion

Ready to hit the stage again! This set was a standard conversion (just moving feathers over from acrylics to my aluminum staves) done for Sassy von Straddler. Helps that her feathers are really high quality!

Swapped to 24 12″ staves in traffic orange, this set is now lighter, more compact, less damaging to the feathers and bigger (taller all around and more bounce separation between the top and inner back layer). These will be show stoppers for many years to come!

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White extra fluff

I should’ve taken video of these beautiful ☁️ level fans to show you all the difference photos just don’t capture. You’ll just have to Esira to hopefully catch them in action!

These fans each feature 14 of my 12″ staves in white with a 25″+ top and 18-24″ front premium plumes from Rainbow Feathers. Hand picked, these feathers add to the price but are the ultimate in length, width, fluff and luxury!

Pro tip: keep your white feathers bright by protecting them from the oil and sweat on your hands. Always practice with gloves. Cheap satin or cotton will do!

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Psychedelic baubles

Gigi Bonbon was an exceptional client!!! She came with a concept and the luxury of time. She had the cream front feathers and tip dyed inside feathers. Once we set the stave design, we finalized the rest of the color palette. Using Cricut vinyl, Rainbow Feathers then dyed the top row pink to gold tip feathers to match. The staves were powder coated in a cream, all the bauble circles cut on my Cricut Maker, placed before a final blast with clear spray paint to lock them in and then assembled. The fans collapse to the center and are on a short bolt to keep the feather fluff as back as possible.

This process took 5 months. And when I put it into text, it makes sense. Amazing takes so much… planning, brain, logistics, building… time. These are definitely one of the most stellar fan designs I’ve done. I couldn’t be more thrilled with the result!!

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From the smoldering ash, Iva Handfull’s firestarter fans were born!

I’m just kindling. These combusted from share screen and collaborative clicking. But who doesn’t like to fan the flames of a good drama?

This was an intense glow up that we might have to pull back a little on, but the fans are currently 14 12″ staves, double layer plumes with front layer drabs. The feathers were custom dyed by Fancy Feather to 8 different dye patterns.

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Nude Double

Feather fans captured the world’s attention because they created the illusion that their dancers were nude. When Mia Preisser asked for a set in her nude, I knew I could deliver with a custom dye.

This fluffy double layer features 12 12″ staves in gold bar gold and 48 plumes custom dyed at Rainbow Feathers.