These fans for @bloodycrystalburlesque are oozing with drama! Black paired with a custom burgundy from @fancyfeathercom really is a winning fluffy combination.

These fans for @bloodycrystalburlesque are oozing with drama! Black paired with a custom burgundy from @fancyfeathercom really is a winning fluffy combination.
Set of 2 fans each with 14 12″ staves, 14 front layer wings sized 18-20″, 14 plumes sized 18-24″ and 14 plumes sized 24-27″ in LILAC (feathers from @FancyFeathercom)
Show ❤️ to your old fans and feathers! @misscattywompass did with this conversion and upgrade!
Taking the lower emerald and purple feathers from a set on acrylics, we added a row of fresh forest green plumes from @fancyfeathercom. Assembled on my aluminum staves, these are bigger, lighter and more durable for years on the stage.
Dark mysterious with a pop of color for @glampira_666!
I really like using the black to gunmetal as a gradient. And the dark colors really sets off the pop of violet on the inside. Feathers from @fancyfeathercom mounted on my 24 of my 12″ staves.
This color — custom for @jolie.lolita — is even more lovely in person!
Jolie sent a color swatch that @fancyfeathercom used to match for the custom dye batch. The feathers are lovely, the color is delicate and the staves will help this set float in stage!
Really enjoyed doing this set for @sallybdash!
Sally had inherited a double layer set from a special friend and wanted to get them refurbished to be able to take them back to the stage in their honor. The feathers weren’t perfect and the dye sun faded in places, but still good shape. We popped off the feathers, added a new for of fresh plumes, had the whole batch redyed at @fancyfeathercom and mounted on my higher quality staves. These are ready again for the stage!
Unique aqua mint
Periodically I have staves done that the color just isn’t a great match with the feathers. It’s too difficult to recoat them, so I put them aside to just do custom matches with the feathers. These sets feature 24 12″ staves and a triple layer of 18-24″ plumes custom dyed to match with @fancyfeathercom
Unique true blue (a bit less purple than the photo capture)
Periodically I have staves done that the color just isn’t a great match with the feathers. It’s too difficult to recoat them, so I put them aside to just do custom matches with the feathers. These sets feature 24 12″ staves and a triple layer of 18-24″ plumes custom dyed to match with @fancyfeathercom
Unique midnight blue (a bit darker than the photo capture)
Periodically I have staves done that the color just isn’t a great match with the feathers. It’s too difficult to recoat them, so I put them aside to just do custom matches with the feathers. These sets feature 24 12″ staves and a triple layer of 18-24″ plumes custom dyed to match with @fancyfeathercom
Refurbished set with lovely large plumes! Blue is a little brighter in person, lots of depth and variation in the dye. Really makes them look like denim! Set is a double layer across 14 12″ staves.
Set of 2 fans each with 12 12″ staves and 12 front layer wings sized 18-20″ and 24 plumes sized 18-24″ in LIME/EMERALD (feathers from @FancyFeathercom)
Set of 2 fans each with 12 8″ staves and 12 front layer wings sized 18-20″ and 12 plumes sized 18-24″ in MINT (feathers from @FancyFeathercom)
Set of 2 fans each with 14 12″ staves, 14 front layer wings sized 18-20″ and 14 plumes sized 18-24″ in JADE
Pretty purple done as a test that was not quite right for a past project. This set features 28 12″ staves with a double layer of fluffy 18-24″ premium plumes from #RainbowFeathers.
Set of 2 fans each with 14 12″ staves, 14 front layer wings sized 18-20″, 14 plumes sized 18-24″ and 14 plumes sized 24-27″ in AQUA
Set of 2 fans each with 12 12″ staves and 24 plumes sized 18-24″ in NAVY
NOTE – Feathers are shapeshifters when it comes to color as they are actually very reflective to light. These are appearing brighter in the photos, but are a very dark navy).
Set of 2 fans each with 12 12″ staves and 24 plumes sized 18-24″ in TEAL
NOTE – Feathers are shapeshifters when it comes to color as they are actually very reflective to light. These are appearing more blue in the photos, but have more of a green or true teal hue.
Another conversion and upgrade success story done for @missmarinaelaine. We were able to salvage feathers from her previous set and add a fresh row of large top row plumes. These beauties never looked better!
These pretty fluffs went out to a very newbie burlesquer. Standard size on the 12″ staves, this double layer uses light blue and white plumes from @fancyfeathercom. It’s a great size set that can be easily upgraded in the future if needed.
Upgraded set done for @thestormyknight!
I do wish I could capture the shape-shifting colors of this set better. What appears as a rich purple is actually a complex blue. Those are the feathers we started with from an existing set, added a top row of plumes in gun metal (@fancyfeathercom) and the spiderweb front plate. Such a unique combination that all works so perfectly together!
Refurbish on my own well loved set. Silver top plumes and front drabs, with orange inside plumes on 24 12″ staves in silver.
How amazing this golden upgrade for @auroramaur_dances turned out even surprised me!
First, the front and inside feathers of this set (which were a dark mustard-topaz) were salvaged from a glued bamboo and fabric structure. Starting with a lot of little drabs and about a row’s worth of wing feathers, we sent them over to @fancyfeathercom for a wash, added a fresh top row of plumes and dyed the entire batch together in their vintage gold. I have no idea what dye wizardry was used, but the new color achieved on the salvaged feathers exceeded all of my expectations! The build for each fan uses 13 12″ staves with an accent stave on the front that is ready to be rhinestoned and really pop!
Reuse staves? Of course!
This fluffy triple layer with light blue @fancyfeathercom plumes is built on lightly used staves. The performer that had them before decided to change the color of her feathers which meant a darker stave was better. Although it’s difficult to recoat staves in new colors, staves in good shape can of course be used for a different set!
I built these fans in spite of being dropped for a bulk order that would’ve delivered today. It was for a returning large show client (so I trusted it would come through), extremely quick turn that required much coordination with my suppliers and prepaying for a lot of material to pull it off. After jumping through all those planning hoops and pushing my suppliers, they said they’d be going with a different option.
So out of annoyance and to clear my mental energy, I decided to still build one of the beautiful sets they wouldn’t get!
I’m thrilled this fiery set is now going to fellow Leo @lolacoquette!
The set features 28 12″ staves, top 25″ plume and lower 18-20″ plume row in red from #RainbowFeathers. It’s a nice and dense double with premium fluff!
A red hot conversion for @msgidgetbardot!
Not only was I able to meet Gidget while in Nashville (btw… some of the best kept fans I’ve seen over all the years of doing conversions and upgrades), I enjoyed the insider scoop of how unique the scene and venues are!
A straight forward project for lighter lift and more condensed fluff, we just moved the front layer drabs and double plume over to a 24 count set 12″ in ruby red.
Celestial inspiration assembled for @originallattedah!
Latte bought the feathers a while back, but they are now ready to explode on stage. This set features 24 12″ black staves, top white plumes and a row of front and inside drabs. Super unique color combination that was a blast to assemble!
Color swap! @cervenafox dropped off blue plumes to #RainbowFeathers to have them redyed this stunning blood color. Not saying color swaps are always possible, but this was definitely a great success!
This set features 28 12″ black staves, top 25″ plume and lower 18-20″ plume row. It’s a nice and dense double with premium fluff!
This beautiful blue was actually an oopsie-coat as in the stave color wasn’t quite right for another project. So I asked #RainbowFeathers to match dye to the staves.
This phenomenal color is kinda a Robin’s egg blue but has some aqua hues that come out in natural light. So expect these to be somewhat of a shape shifter. The set features 28 12″ staves, top 25″ plume and lower 18-20″ plume row. It’s a nice and dense double with premium fluff!
Set features 28 12″ staves, 28 single row premium plumes and 84 peacock feathers (with a few extras of both types). The plumes were an oopsie-dye (so not quite the green needed for another project) from #RainbowFeathers, but too lovely to let go. It was a great opportunity to pair them with stem dyed peacock from @thefeatherplace!
Set features 28 12″ staves, 28 single row premium plumes and 84 peacock feathers (with a few extras of both types). The plumes were an oopsie-dye (so not quite the blue needed for another project) from #RainbowFeathers, but too lovely to let go. It was a great opportunity to pair them with stem dyed peacock from @thefeatherplace!
These stunners just arrived with @lily_datura_dancer!
Ah peacock… you’re as irresistibly beautiful as you are finicky to work with. The set features 26 12″ staves with double premium plumes from #RainbowFeathers and around 80 stem dyed peacock feathers from @thefeatherplace. The art gold nouveau front plate with cutouts really pops against the dark fluff. The drama of this set really makes it all worth it!
These petite cuties (about 22″ at center and 40″ across) just kind of came together! I had extra layer of white that I needed to use. Just like other dye batch colors, white, even bleached white, has tone variations. I also happen to have almond staves that I had done for a project that fell through. And then still a batch of those kind of dusty blue wings.
It’s a different experience when you have material you didn’t plan for and get to play without the pressure of a commission.
But these little flirts got scooped up by @kissgingercollins, so they’ll have a great stage life from here!
This set matches a Standard 3 (with an upgrade on the plumes) package. Each fan uses 14 12″ staves with front and inside plumes sized 18-24″ and top row sized 25″ from Rainbow Feathers. Truly me favorite double layer configuration!
I took over from Dirty Little Flirt on this conversion/upgrade!
The DIY kits are a great option if you are super crafty with wire (like from jewelery arts) or other small detailed work, but also have a great amount of patience for laying out large patterns. This set upgrade had a lot going on which can be overwhelming too… fresh top layer plumes and drabs, but smaller plumes from a previous set. It was all a little much when the stave kit arrived, but no worries! I’m always willing to take it all back and complete the build.
So if you have a kit tucked away in a closet, let me know. No shame in trying!
A blast of pink fun done for Katana!
We said goodbye to the awful, oversized, heavy and brittle hot fans staves and converted these to 24 12″ staves in pretty pink. To upgrade, we added a top row of 25″+ custom dyed Rainbow Feathers plumes. Bright, light and with an easier hand hold, this type of upgrade is well worth the investment!
#DontSayGay? How else should we show that we are proud to stand with marginalized LGBTQ+ communities? Ooooh… Viola Velvet has an idea!
Viola Velvet brought this fan concept (mega extra points for using my coloring sheet like a pro) that would be used at burlesque, drag and ALL ages shows! The concept seems straight forward, but when layering I actually move feathers around quite a bit to achieve the seamless circle curve. So it was going to be tricky…
Special THANK YOU to Fancy Feather for hand picking EACH and EVERY feather for its exact position! This is not an easy task and these fans are beautiful because of their fan expertise as well.
The staves are 24 of my 12″ in silver for a bit of subtle bling.
The more we talk openly about our differences, the healthier and happier we will all be. I know Viola hopes these fans inspire audiences to feel safe and appreciated. When you see these fans on stage or a flag waving in the wind, remember that you too deserve to hold space in the light.
These Ukrainian flag inspired fans raised $2,000 for @voices_of_children — dedicated to providing psychological support to children and families.
Each fan uses 14 12″ staves, has a top row of 25″+ and a front layer of 18-24″ custom dyed plumes. All materials and time donated by myself @donna.touch and #RainbowFeathers.
Thank you so much to everyone that gave in support of @voices_of_children through this giveaway, but please keep it going! Learn more any the organization and like/share their posts to help others learn about them. Consider making a one time donation or joining their Patreon to provide ongoing support at affordable levels.
Forget the golden fleece, these golden fluffs are more divine!
Being in Las Vegas meant that Mollie De Menthe was able to bring her gold swatch into Rainbow Feathers to have them do a test and match dye. Gold all around, each fan uses 14 12″ staves in Gold Bar and is just a double layer with 18-24″ plumes on the front and 25″+ wide plumes in the top.
These are an upgraded Standard 3 (donnatouch.com/ostrich) with 14 12″ staves in white with a top row of ivory and front row of white 18-24″ wide plumes from @fancyfeathercom. These just shipped out in a small case!
Seeing double? There are two fan conversions in this post! XX sent over the first one and then the second one about a month later to ensure they always had a set available for their performances.
We moved the feathers over to a 24 set of 12″ staves in almond and added a fresh top row of a set of plumes in white from Fancy Feather.
Other cool news, both sets fit into one of my large cases!